The main services I focus on in my private practice are couples therapy, emotion, and sexual addiction. I offer services both in English and Spanish. Even though these are the main services I offer, I also work with individuals and families on a variety of needs. Feel free to talk to me to see if I can meet your personal needs.

Couples Therapy
If you are looking for couples therapy, you are most likely in a lot of pain. By the time a marriages reaches for help, spouses have already suffered tremendously. Bitterness and resentment have built up and we feel slighted. Even though we are upset and blame our spouse for the state of the marriage, we want a better marriage, we want love and support, and we want to connect with them. Unfortunately, many of the theories used to practice couples therapy are less effective. Read more
The most common reason to come to therapy is because of negative emotions. Whether we come to therapy with someone else, or alone, we often have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, anger, or other negative emotions. My experience with Emotionally Focused Therapy has taught me principles that help people work through their emotions and increase the positive feelings in their life. Read more

Sexual Addiction
Sexual addiction can devastate relationships. The spouse often feels like they are not enough for their partner, while the person with the addiction tries to assure them that the addiction has nothing to do with their spouse. The addiction slowly changes the person’s view of sex and the opposite gender slowly become objects. The spouse feels hurt and loses trust. Relational problems that existed apart from the addiction may exacerbate the problem. Why would someone continue with a behavior that is causing so many negative consequences? Read more
A mi me encanta servir a la gente hispana. He trabajado con personas de Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, los Estados Unidos, y muchos otros países. Espero que puedo ayudarles con la salud mental. Muchos me han comparado a un psicólogo. Si tienen problems con ansiedad, enojo, tristeza, o otras emociones, yo puedo enseñarles unos principios para salir del problema. Leer más